The Power of Love...

Sometimes we may not realize how powerful LOVE truly is. Love will make you step outside of your comfort zone. Love will make you forgive things you said you would never forgive. Love will make you settle down when you know you deserve better. Love will have you repeating yourself over and over because you rather repeat yourself, than to lose the one you love. Love will have you ignore your intuitions. Love will have you be someone you are not. Love will have you confused: Is love supposed to hurt? Putting your morals aside just to please someone one else, that’s love right? If he/she love me, why would they hurt me? Love will have feeling like pain is love. Love will have you feeling like hurt is normal. Love will have you feeling insecure. Love will have you questioning genuine love (read that again). Love will have you go out of your way to prove a point that doesn’t need proving. Then you find yourself asking, should love be this hard? Should love be this exhausting?

Everyone may define love differently, but at the end of the day, LOVE should feel like home. Love should be your peace. Love should have you feeling secure. Love should have you feeling excited go home. Love should not have you question love. Love is so powerful, but so simple. If you find yourself questioning love, remember “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs.” -1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 >>> I know, easier said than done, but remember it takes two to be on the same page.

For those who are confused about love, I want you to take this time to journal. I want you to think about what your definition of love is. Think about all the things you have put up with in the past (or currently) that you don’t want to ever go through again. Think about is this love healthy? What are things you want out of a successful relationship? I truly believe that God gives you the desires of your heart. It is never too late for love. It is never too late to start over. It’s never too late for that fairytale you always wanted. It’s never too late to get out of that toxic relationship. It is never too late to get out of that toxic marriage. Please ALSO note, it is SOOO important for you to LOVE yourself first. If you look in the mirror and you are unhappy with yourself, think about the changes you need to make. What steps you need to take to accomplish your goals? Because if you don’t love yourself properly, it is going to be hard to love someone else. I know that was a lot, but just know I am rooting for you all!!!

PS: You Got This (:


Forgiveness …